I am happy to announce that the 2.0.0 release for the Grails-Gradle plugin has finally been released.

This release has been a long time coming, and offers some significant improvements over the 1.1.0 release. Additionally, many people have been relying on the 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT release and this locks-in a stable version that is now available in Maven Central and the Grails Central repositories.


  • Automatic configuration of Grails repositories using grails.central() in your repositories block
  • Automatic configuration of Grails, Groovy, and Spring Loaded versions
  • Implementation of a build task structure more similar to a standard Java project (i.e. clean, build, assemble, test, check ,etc.)
  • Better integration with IntelliJ IDEA (plugin source is now available)
  • Definition of Grails source sets to allow for task input/output configuration
  • Various bug fixes and improvements in Grails command spawning.

Additional information can be found on the plugin’s Github page.